I Stopped Giving My Husband Blow Jobs For A Month: A Journey to Reclaiming Sexual Autonomy in My Marriage

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As a married woman, I have always felt the pressure to fulfill my husband's sexual desires, including performing oral sex. However, after years of feeling like I was sacrificing my own pleasure for his, I decided to take a stand and stop giving my husband blow jobs for a month. This decision was not made out of spite or anger, but rather as a way to reclaim my sexual autonomy and prioritize my own needs in our relationship.

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The Pressure to Perform:

For many women, the expectation to perform oral sex on their partners can feel like a burden. We are often taught that it is our duty as wives to satisfy our husbands sexually, and that our own desires and comfort should come second. This pressure can lead to feelings of resentment and a lack of agency in our own sexual experiences.

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Taking a Stand:

After years of feeling like I was constantly prioritizing my husband's pleasure over my own, I decided to take a stand and stop giving him blow jobs for a month. I wanted to see how it would affect our relationship and if it would give me the opportunity to focus on my own sexual needs for a change.

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Communication is Key:

Before implementing this change, I made sure to communicate with my husband about my decision. I explained to him that I needed to prioritize my own sexual needs and that I wanted to explore other forms of intimacy in our relationship. It was important for me to have an open and honest conversation about my feelings and desires, and he was supportive of my decision.

Exploring Alternative Intimacy:

During the month that I stopped giving my husband blow jobs, we explored other forms of intimacy in our relationship. We focused on mutual pleasure and finding new ways to connect with each other. This allowed us to deepen our emotional and physical connection without the pressure of traditional sexual expectations.

Reclaiming Sexual Autonomy:

By taking a break from performing oral sex on my husband, I was able to reclaim my sexual autonomy and prioritize my own pleasure. I realized that it is okay for me to set boundaries and prioritize my own needs in our relationship. This newfound sense of agency has allowed me to feel more empowered and confident in our sexual experiences.

The Impact on Our Relationship:

Surprisingly, taking a break from giving blow jobs actually strengthened our relationship. We were able to communicate more openly about our sexual desires and explore new forms of intimacy together. By prioritizing my own needs, I was able to feel more connected to my husband and more satisfied in our sexual experiences.

Moving Forward:

After the month was over, I decided to reintroduce blow jobs into our sexual repertoire. However, this time it was on my own terms and with a newfound sense of agency. I now feel more confident in prioritizing my own pleasure and communicating my needs to my husband.


Taking a break from giving blow jobs to my husband for a month was a transformative experience for me. It allowed me to reclaim my sexual autonomy and prioritize my own pleasure in our relationship. By communicating openly with my husband and exploring alternative forms of intimacy, we were able to strengthen our connection and deepen our emotional and physical bond. This experience has taught me the importance of prioritizing my own needs in my marriage and has empowered me to advocate for my own sexual desires.